
Brutal Fists 2: Major Zion

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Literature Text

Major Zion by genius-spirit

Complete a Challenge mode mission called "Martial Arts Drill" in which you have Jordan Chaser fighting Nestor Sevastan until two rounds are won, then he fights Major Zion in one round.


Special Moves

  • Shield Defense: Major Zion guards himself from projectiles, which reflect back at his opponent.
  • Bursting: He punches his attacking opponent farther away from him.
  • Shield Shot: He swings his shield, sending in a disk-shaped energy projectile at his opponent.
  • Glock 19: He gets out a Gluck 19 gun and shoots one to three bullets at his opponent.
  • Micro Galil: He gets out a Micro Galil assault rifle and rapidly shoots his opponent. A different version of the move has him shooting at his aerial opponent.

Brutal Style:

Super Hebrew: Major Zion places his shield close to his chest and says, "For the Holy Land!" and starts by punching his opponent two times, followed by three kicks to the groin, then he starts bashing his opponent in the face four times. The opponent becomes dazed and Major Zion tosses him/her to the ground in the opposite direction, ending it all with a bash to the chest with his shield, breaking the opponent's sternum.

Death Finishes:

  • Semtex Edge: Major Zion tosses a cellphone to his opponent, which is actually laced with semtex. The opponent puts the cellphone to his/her ear and all of a sudden, the cellphone explodes, blowing the opponent's entire upper body into bloody pieces except for the left arm which just falls onto the ground.
  • Shield To The Face: Major Zion kicks his opponent in the left leg, cracking the femur apart. He then uses his left fist to punch the opponent in the chest, breaking the ribcage, and he finishes by activating the razor blades on his shield. He swings the bladed shield towards the opponent's face, chopping it straight off. The faceless opponent turns around and falls down dead, with his/her brain and tongue exposed as a result from the face cutting.


  • Voice Actor: Brian Bloom
  • Intro Sequence: A circle of dust swirls around the battlefield and Major Zion lands onto the battlefield, thrusting his razor-bladed shield onto the ground. He gets up, retracts the razors into his shield and says, "You will face Israeli justice!"
  • Victory Sequence: Major Zion holds his shield close to his chest and says, "This was for my homeland's future." and then he raises his shield up in the air. Sounds of airplanes passing is heard.
  • Stage: War Zone (Stage Theme: Frontlines by Diabolic ft. Immortal Technique)


Intro Cutscene:

(We're treated with a panoramic landscape view of the West Bank in five years ago. Jedi Mind Trick's "Design in Malice" starts playing throughout.)
Adriel (v/o): "My name is Adriel Caleb and this is my story. It began when I was part of the Israeli Special Forces Unit."
(We see Adriel Caleb and his fellow Israeli Commandos coming in, encountering Palestinian terrorists.)
Adriel: "Alright, let's get to it!"
Terrorist: "Kill the infidels!"
Adriel: "For the fate of our homeland!"
(Adriel and the other Israeli Commandos battle against the terrorists.)
Adriel (v/o): "I was an Israeli Commando. As Israeli Commando, it's our duty to protect our homeland from Muslim terrorists who want to bring us down. It all began when Israel was made it's own nation during the 1940s. We were targeted for persecution by our enemies so it was that moment when we all decided that enough was enough, and with the help of our western allies, thus came the birth of the Israeli Defense Force."
(Jedi Mind Trick's "Design in Malice" stops playing as we cut to a shot of the United Nations building.)
Adriel (v/o): "Years later, I have retired from my position and was assigned to become an ambassador for my country at the United Nations, where we world ambassadors get together to discuss politics in our nations."
(Cut to inside the UN's building where it takes place at a hall. We see all the world's ambassadors together in the meeting.)
Secretary-General: "Alright, now I would like to talk about a grave danger that is sure to hit our world hard into turmoil. An evil man by the name of Edmund Gareth, who has been on the world's Most Wanted list for a long time, has come with a diabolical plan for world domination. To back up his schemes, he has a tournament held called Brutal Fists, which of course seems like any other fighting tournament out there right?"
(All the ambassadors murmur to each other.)
Secretary-General: "Well we've received word that his tournament is not like any that has ever been held. Behind it is something that could bring harm to our world as we know it. I've spoken with the president of the United States and he says that he wants oone of his best men to enter the tournament for investigation and..."
Adriel: "Excuse me. I'd like to say something on this matter."
Secretary-General: "Alright, go right ahead."
(The Secretary-General allows Adriel to come speak at the podium.)
Adriel: "I have been called upon by God to do something about Edmund and his shady tournament. He revealed to me that I, myself, ought to do something about it. Being a former Israeli Commando myself and having been experienced in combat, I am here to announce that I'll partake in this Brutal Fists tournament so I may put a stop to his evil plans simply by winning."
Ambassador: "You know, I've heard of the Brutal Fists tournament before. I heard it's supernaturally-driven, that and that Edmund is some powerful wizard who is a renowned "Mad Alchemist". Are you sure you are up to this?"
Adriel: "You do have a point. I will figure out how to get the job done my own way. I will officially embark on the impossible!"
Secretary-General: "You've heard what one of our affiliates at the meeting said. Are you sure you can handle tackling something that's got all kinds of weird stuff going around?"
Adriel: "Well... I've got a solution."
(Cut to the next day where Adriel and the Secretary-General enter a government research facility.)
Adriel: "This is how thing are gonna go. I will become a superhuman with the help of your government research team so that way, nothing, be it supernatural or not, can get me down in the tournament. You people are wanting to test your newly created substances from what I've heard to create super soldiers."
Secretary-General: "Well..."
Adriel: "Anybody know who Captain America is?"
(Everyone but only very few raises their hands.)
Adriel: "I know who it is because I've seen kids with their Captain America merchandise and all. I've researched the character myself and learned that he got his powers from super serum."
Scientist #1: "Well we have tested our serum that makes living organisms super strong."
Adriel: "You've got a machine, right?"
Scientist #2: "Lately we've build it so yes. Come here, we'll show you."
(Adriel is guided to a machine that contains tubes with a special serum on it.)
Scientist #1: "So are you ready to enter the machine because there are some repercussions."
Scientist #3: "Good luck, Adriel Caleb."
Adriel: "Alright, start the machine!"
(Cut to a black background with "70 SECONDS LATER..." accompanied by the clock ticking, we cut back to the lab where Adriel comes out of the machine surprisingly looking the same as he did previously.)
Secretary-General: "So Adriel, how do you feel?"
Adriel: "I look the same but... I suddenly feel different."
Scientist #3: "Well let's test to see if it was a success. Hey, can you shoot Adriel Caleb for a second with a gun?"
Scientist #4: "You're kidding me, right? Last thing I want is to go to prison for manslaughter!"
Adriel: "Now now! It's okay. Just pull the trigger at me."
(One scientist shoots Adriel in the head, only for it to bounce off of him, which amazes everyone at the lab.)
Scientist #4: "Wow, he is invulnerable!"
Scientist #1: "Looks like we've got ourselves an Israeli version of Steve Rogers."
Adriel: "Yeah, and let me try something myself."
(Adriel walks to a table that has never been used before and smashes it in half with one punch, surprising everyone even more.)
Scientist #5: "DAAAAAAAYYUUUMMM!!! Sorry, I've been watching Friday lately."
Secretary-General: "Well Adriel, good louck on fighting in this cryptic fighting tournament. If there's something suspicious going on behind it, you'll report it back at the UN, right?"
Adriel: "Ken."
(Cut to the next day. Chino XL's "Wordsmith" starts playing as we're treated with a Spider-Man (2002) style montage of Adriel using resources needed to create his own superhero costume.)
Adriel (v/o): "As you can tell by now, I got the idea from one of those superhero comic books. Captain America, I believe. So the whole serum thing wasn't enough for me. I had to dig deep into what else makes Captain America how he is. Of course, my costume is much different because it includes plated armor and a helmet, all of which are hi-tech. I also included aesthetics to suit my motif. Thanks to the fine folks who've helped me out in this, I will be known as..."
(After the costume has been finished, we gets shots of Adriel putting on his suit until he's fully dressed. He activates the blads around the shield and then retracts them back in. Chino XL's "Wordsmith" fades away from playing.)
Adriel: "...Major Zion."

Sub Boss Cutscene:

(Scene takes place in the Brutal Fists tournament arena. The referee announces Major Zion as winner of the finals.)
Referee: "Ladies and gentlemen, this year's Brutal Fists tournament now has a champion in its hands. Let's give a big Shalom to Major Zion, the winner of the tournament!"
(Audience cheers as Major Zion raises his shield in the air.)
Referee: "Now it's up to the winner to face against Edmund Gareth, the man behind the tournament!"
Major Zion: "It's about time I faced this wicked man."
(Edmund Gareth teleports via black and purple smoke into the picture, wearing his victorian outfit an folding his arms.)
Edmund: "Well well well, if it isn't what appears to be a real life Captain America ripoff."
Major Zion: "I am Major Zion, and I am chosen by God to put a stop to you and your sinister plans for your theocratic dictatorship!"
Edmund: "I see, all just because you're a spiritual man and all."
Major Zion: "Don't try and play dumb with me!... Although, yes, I am a man of God. Of course, Jews can be men of God just like the Christians and the Muslims who are not like al-Qaeda nor ISIS can so you are correct on that. But we're not here to talk about religion nor are we here to talk about eachother's religious beliefs. We're here to settle the score, Mad Alchemist! You will not become a god of this world and rule it like a one-Earth dictator! You have to be out of your mind to wanna pull off such a stunt!"
Edmund: "I'm the Mad Alchemist, but I'm not out of my mind, boy."
(Edmund rips off his attire and emits a black/purple aura around himself.)
Edmund: "I have the power to take over the world. None can stop me, not even some superhero wannabe wanker like yourself!"
Major Zion: "I am the real deal, Edmund! I, as a legit superhero, will finally prove you wrong!"

Final Boss Cutscene:

(Major Zion has defeated Edmund Gareth. Edmund attempts to get up.)
Major Zion: "You will pay for your crimes against the world, Edmund."
Edmund: "You won't put a stop to me. You're just another has-been who's trying too hard to play superhero."
Major Zion: "This costume is not just for show, villain!"
Edmund: "Again with this whole good and evil nonsense! There's no such thing as that stuff, my friend! There is only power."
???: "And you're a dumbass who wants to steal my thunder!"
Major Zion: "What was that?"
(All of a sudden, a purple portal opens up behind Edmund and a black tentacle reaches Major Zion and drags him/her into it. We cut to Major Zion in what appears to be an alternate dimension that mirrors a post-apocalyptic city where the sky is covered in clouds and the place is bombarded with destroyed buildings, wrecked vehicles, and some parts containing grassy vegetation that is dry.)
Major Zion: "This... this isn't the end times, is it?"
???: "Not the end times according to whatever religion you practice."
Major Zion: "Tell me, demon! What is this?"
(Major Zion encounters Ogoleithus, who has just arrived on time carrying a pig carcass with one of his tentacles.)
Ogoleithus: "You are in a vision of what's to come, and no, Edmund Gareth won't cause this shit. I WILL!!!"
Major Zion: "What are you?"
Ogoleithus: "A demon god known as Ogoleithus. I am a god of chaos. You know how Edmund Gareth said a bunch of shit about how you're just a wannabe superhero? Well I have a similar point of view about the British little coksucker. He's no god and he never will be!"
Major Zion: "So you're out to do harm to the world and not him?"
Ogoleithus: "You're right! You don't have to worry about that bearded faggot taking over! You'll have to worry about yours truly! And hey, since this is our first time, meeting..."
(Ogoleithus rips the pig carcass apart with two of his tentacles and places one of the halves into his abdominal mouth.)
Ogoleithus: "Want the other half I'm holding?"
Major Zion: "Well no thanks because my religion forbids pork."
Ogoleithus: "Yep, I knew you wouldn't wanna eat pigshit."
(Ogoleithus throws the other torn half away in sight, accompanied by a sound of glass cracking.)
Major Zion: "...O...K...what was the point in doing this?"
Ogoleithus: "NO! I just wanted to be an ass to you, that's all! And before you say, "like Adolf Hitler?", let me tell you something...THAT GOOFY MUSTACHE WEARING CLOWN AIN'T GOT NOTHIN' ON ME, THE DEMON GOD HIMSELF!!! No bad guy throughout history, whether it be Jack the Ripper, Attila the Hun or Charles Manson, has more balls than me! I'm way worse then all of them, even that German fuck Hitler!"
Major Zion: "I wasn't going to liken you with one of the most wicked human beings in history, I'm just saying what you just did in front of me was pointless and I-I just..."
Ogoleithus: "Admit it! I disgusted you with eating a dead pig!"
Major Zion: "It's not a matter of disgust...You know what, forget it! I might as well get rid of your arrogant malevolence already, Ogoleithus! I've been an Israeli Commando and I'm not afraid to take you out, even if you are a demon!"
Ogoleithus: "And what, am I suppose to be afraid?"
Major Zion: "You damn well better be."
Ogoleithus: "I'm not intimidated by someone who just looks like your usual comic book hero wannabe! Yeah, I can take on someone who looks like something straight out of a magical girl cartoon or someone who fights like a Shonen anime character, but you... YOU AIN'T JACKSHI-"

Ending Cutscene:

(Major Zion and Ogoleithus exchange punches for 6 seconds until Major Zion steps back.)
Ogoleithus: "You can beat the shit out of terrorists but you can't beat the shit out of demons! You're a joke!"
Major Zion: "Well I'm about to prove you wrong once and for all, false god!"
Ogoleithus: "Oh great, you had to resort to using "false god" as an insult! Well at least I have more balls than... Ball...Baal...whatever that guy's name is."
(Major Zion inserts his right arm inside Ogoleithus's abdominal mouth, which of course leads to Ogoleithus constantly biting on it.)
Ogoleithus: "Hehehehe. You're making a big mistake in inserting your arm inside my stomach. Chances are it's just gonna get bitten off in about 5 seconds. 5..."
Major Zion: "Don't even count it."
(Major Zion activates the razor blades around his shield, cutting inside Ogoleithus's stomach mouth.)
Ogoleithus: "AAAAAHHHH!!! FUCK!!!"
Major Zion: "Now before I kill you, answer this! Are you responsible for Edmund Gareth's unholy powers that he wants to take over the world using?"
Ogoleithus: "I have, but then again, Edmund flipped me off and wanted to be God himself. I was used!"
Major Zion: "Well anyways..."
(Major Zion swings his bladed shield upward, which knocks Ogoleithus's head off of his body that is split in half by the shield.)
(As Ogoleithus's disembodied head falls down close to Major Zion, Major Zion bashes the head into pieces with his shield.)
Major Zion: "May God have mercy upon you, foul demon."
(We cut to the United Nations conference where Adriel Caleb gives a speech about the safety of the planet Earth.)
Adriel: "And as I say to this very day, our world as we know it is now safe and the Mad Alchemist Edmund Gareth has finally been dealt with. He will be serving the rest of his life in an island penitentiary for his crimes against the world."
(Adriel checks his special wristwatch continues his speech afterwards.)
Adriel: "Now that my time is up, I will allow the ambassador of the United Kingdom to speak."
(Adriel raises his right fist and smiles while all the world ambassadors are clapping. He leaves only for UK ambassador to come speak.)
UK ambassador: "Thank you. Thank you all."
(We cut a desert ruins somewhere in the Middle East where we see a US soldier held hostage by what appears to be ISIS terrorists, who are filming themselves warning their enemies right before they start their filmed beheading.)
Terrorist #1: "This is a message to the Great Satan that is The West! It has come to our attention that you wish to ally with the Syrians, eh? Well you will be sorry for that kind of move. It's bad enough that Israel sucked up to you pigdog Westerners and now, this is what you get."
(Right before their about execution, the execution actually gets interrupted as Major Zion lands down behind one of the terrorists, splitting him in half with his bladed shield.)
Terrorist #2: "DAFUQ!!!"
(Major Zion and another remaining terrorist clash weapons (shield to scimitar, btw) for 5 seconds until Major Zion pushes the schimitar off of the terrorist's hand, landing it to the camera and cutting it in half.)
Terrorist #2: "NOOO! You infidel!"
Major Zion: "I'm not letting you harm my homeland nor my homeland's allies!"
Terrorist #2: "You will burn in Hell, infidel."
Major Zion: "No, but you shall for your diabolical behavior."
(Major Zion swings his shield at the terrorist's waist, slicing off his torso. Suddenly, the upper part of the terrorist's head is blown off from behind. It's revealed Jordan Chaser has come to the scene.)
Major Zion: "I've got backup?"
Jordan: "Well mainly I've come to rescue a fellow soldier who's been captured."
Soldier: "Thank you guys for coming to my aid."
Major Zion: "Don't mention it."
(Major Zion cuts the ropes off of the soldier, setting him free, before retracting the blades back in his shield.)
Jordan: "Aren't you that guy who that guy who won the Brutal Fists tournament?"
Major Zion: "You knew?"
Jordan: "Yeah, I was there with you, remember?"
Major Zion: "Now I remember. Say, how's about we both do something about these terrorists who are about to launch an attack your country."
Jordan: "Now that you mention it, we outta make sure these dirtbags don't come at us full time. We'll fight them straight on!"
Major Zion: "True that! Mind if I join along?"
Jordan: "Major Zion, you son of a bitch!"
(Both Major Zion and Jordan Chaser grab onto eachother's hands before cutting to a black background. Illegal Substance's "Step To The Floor" starts playing throughout as we cut to the Brutal Fists 2 logo, followed by credits with a background montage of characters in the main roster performing their signature moves)
Sorry if it took so long for anyone who has read my latest journal in regards to the hidden characters. I promise I will do everything in my power to upload each of these entries constantly! But enough about that, let's talk about our first hidden character entry... who is of course a newcomer. Enter Captain Israel... WHOOPS! I mean Major Zion!

Yeah, the first thing you'll notice about this character is that he is a Captain Ersatz of Captain America, though because of the Israeli theme, he's more of an Israeli expy than a Captain Ersatz, although both he and Captain America have some stuff in common, with a few exceptions (which I'll get to later).
  • Both of them were soldiers for their respective countries.
  • Both of them represent their homelands proudly.
  • Both of them have shields as weapons.
  • Both of them have taken serums to make them stronger.
  • Both have a sense of justice.
  • And to drive the point home, both of them are voiced by Brian Bloom (yes, Brian Bloom is one of Captain America's voice actors)
However, there are some notable differences here. First off is the shield. Major Zion's shield is not throwable as it is a part of his suit. Also, the shield emits razor sharp blades around it like a rim. Then there's the costume itself. While Captain America's is your typical superhero getup that is spandax and everything, Major Zion's contains plated armor as well as a helmet that is like a fusion of Cap's helmet, Kung Lao's hat (minus the blades) and, of all things, a rabbi hat. Another thing to point out is that Major Zion is an ambadassador! I don't recall Steve Rogers ever being an ambassador himself, but Major Zion, a.k.a. Adriel Caleb, is one. It's a given that there are world ambassadors who were once in the military. It's true. And the last thing I can point out is the painfully obvious one of all... He's from Israel! After all, it's revealed that he was an Israeli Commando so it should be obvious!

Character made using HeroMachine.
© 2015 - 2024 genius-spirit
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PasokonMASTER's avatar
I imagine him on an encounter versus Captain America